SC and PC 5+ but SC is lower
Growing independent reader. Reading is limited by vocabulary and syntax knowledge.
This is Muhammed. He is growing in independence with his reading. He is a good reader but the difference between his word reading (SC) and comprehension (PC) suggests he has a ‘spikey profile’ (a discrepancy of more than two stanines). His reading is limited by significantly weaker vocabulary and syntax knowledge compared to his comprehension. He reads to learn but does not read for pleasure. His overall performance may be limited by his ‘spikey’ profile. He needs to be supported with more complex vocabulary and should be encouraged to read high quality texts for learning and enjoyment.
Key Questions
- Are teachers aware of Muhammed's nuance of needs?
- How can you ensure he understands the value in reading beyond the curriculum?
- Would explaining the impact across all of his subjects support him to form stronger reading habits?
- Can you work with him to find out what genre of text he might enjoy?
- Can you set him challenges to develop vocabulary?
- Is he supported through rich opportunities for 'talk'?
- Do teachers extend his vocabulary when they talk in the classroom?
Next steps
You need to:
- Understand his receptive vocabulary
- Make adaptations for his need in lessons so that he is 'stretched'
- To work with colleagues so that support is aligned, and further investigation is considered. Are there any indications of dyslexia?
- To gain insight into his wellbeing.
Muhammed may need:
- To understand what value reading for pleasure holds
- Exposure to high quality texts and vocabulary banks.
*These profiles are for illustrative purposes and have been created to help introduce just some of the varied learner profiles your NGRT data may show you, and to help support personalised learning. The profiles from your own NGRT data may share some similarities with the example profiles but it is important to consider each learner individually.