SC 1-3 / PC 4+


SC 1-3 / PC 4+

Dependent reader. Reading is limited by vocablulary and syntax knowledge.

This is Michel, he is just within age related expectations for his reading comprehension, scoring a stanine 4 for his Passage Comprehension. But his knowledge of vocabulary, syntax and grammar is sitting below age related expectations within stanines 1 - 3. He is a dependent reader as his reading is being limited by his challenge with vocabularly. He will need some guided reading practice to develop his skills within word reading.

Key Questions

  • Is this student new to English or still aquiring the language?
  • How can you use opportunities to extend his vocabulary knowledge?
  • Does he need support in subject-specific vocabulary?
  • How often does Michel read age-appropriate texts?
  • Can Michel spot patterns in language?
  • What is his spelling like?
  • Are there any signs of a specific learning difficulty?

Next steps

You need to:

  • Understand his receptive and expressive language
  • Investigate wider literacy skills including vocabulary and spelling
  • Understand his cognitive ability
  • Work with colleagues so that support is aligned and further investigation is considered.

Michel may need:

  • A vocabulary intervention
  • Regular opportunities to read in and out of the classroom
  • High quality modelling in the classroom
  • Opportunities for oracy.

SEND Guide >

Poor sentence completion Good sentence completion Good passage comprehension Poor passage comprehension