SC 1-3 / PC 4+
Dependent reader. Reading is limited by vocablulary and syntax knowledge.
This is Michel, he is just within age related expectations for his reading comprehension, scoring a stanine 4 for his Passage Comprehension. But his knowledge of vocabulary, syntax and grammar is sitting below age related expectations within stanines 1 - 3. He is a dependent reader as his reading is being limited by his challenge with vocabularly. He will need some guided reading practice to develop his skills within word reading.
Key Questions
- Is this student new to English or still aquiring the language?
- How can you use opportunities to extend his vocabulary knowledge?
- Does he need support in subject-specific vocabulary?
- How often does Michel read age-appropriate texts?
- Can Michel spot patterns in language?
- What is his spelling like?
- Are there any signs of a specific learning difficulty?
Next steps
You need to:
- Understand his receptive and expressive language
- Investigate wider literacy skills including vocabulary and spelling
- Understand his cognitive ability
- Work with colleagues so that support is aligned and further investigation is considered.
Michel may need:
- A vocabulary intervention
- Regular opportunities to read in and out of the classroom
- High quality modelling in the classroom
- Opportunities for oracy.
*These profiles are for illustrative purposes and have been created to help introduce just some of the varied learner profiles your NGRT data may show you, and to help support personalised learning. The profiles from your own NGRT data may share some similarities with the example profiles but it is important to consider each learner individually.