Middle Leadership Team

Top Tips for Middle Leadership Team

Group level analysis

  1. Analyse by battery (using Group Report for Teachers);

    • How does this year’s intake compare with other schools?
    • How does it compare with previous years’ intake in school?
  2. Consider the Student profiles.

    • How are the group’s verbal and spatial biases spread?
    • How might these impact on students’ learning (and progress) across the curriculum?
    • What UDL adjustments may be required for this cohort?
  3. Disseminate key data/information to stakeholders to:

    • Inform teaching and learning decisions, strategies and interventions.

Pupil level analysis

  1. Look at student profiles.

  2. Analyse the performance indicators.

    • Compare to existing indicators in use. Are there any unexpected differences and why might they exist?
    • Would an increase in levels of support and/or attention result in gains?
  3. PT Series, NGRT and PASS customers:

    Triangulate CAT4 data with NGRT, PTE, PTM and PASS to develop a rounded view of a learner's ability, attainment and attitudes to learning